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As stated on my site the pig's pick focuses on finding and documenting both new and classic American regional specialties. It takes a little bit of time to update the website, but social media allows you to get a sneak peak to what's coming. By following me on social media to see what part of the country I am traveling to, what I am excited about and what specialties I am eating. Join the journey in real time as I eat my way through America's back streets and cities, exploring new trends, mouthwatering cuisine, and munching on delicious street food.


Here are a few key terms associated with social media:


  • YOUR PAGE: When you sign up to a certain social media, you develop a home page. This is where your post are documented for your followers to come and view what you are saying or doing. It is kind of like your own personal spot on that social media site. It is unique to you. 

  • YOUR TAG: This is the name you go by on that social media site, it has to be a unique name for that site. example on twitter I am @thebutcherspig, but on Instagram I'm pigs_pick

  • A POST = A post is a quick blurb that you write and add to your page. 

  • STREAM:  This is what is happening right now, in other words, the post of all the users you are following. It is like a stream of consciousness, it is ever changing and showing the most recent posts. If you want to see what a particular user posted most recently you would go to their page and view.

  • @ (THE AT SIGN): This sign added in front of a person's tag in social media is a shout out. This will notify directly that person that you mentioned them. This is often used to say I was hanging out with @bbqpitmaster.

  • # (THE HASHTAG): These are used to help other users sort and search through the millions of post on the site from ALL the users.

    • WHEN YOU USE THEM: You add them to your post in the content to tell people what it is about. So If I am at a great BBQ restaurant I could type #Pitmasters or #Carolinagold or anything that would help identify it as a BBQ.

    • HOW THEY HELP OTHER FIND YOUR POST: If I am looking up restaurants to visit in Atlanta I ma search #Alantaeats, or #wheretoeatAtlanta.


Social media can be confusing so let me break it down as to how people use it to tell the same story:

  • TWITTER: I'm eating #friedchicken

  • INSTAGRAM: Here is a picture of the #friedchicken I am going to eat

  • FACEBOOK: I like fried chicken, and here is a link to my recipe

  • YOUTUBE: Watch me eat this great fried chicken

  • LINKED-IN: My skills include eating fried chicken

  • SNAP CHAT: Look at me eat this sandwich before the picture disappears forever (maybe).


 Everyone relates to social media a little differently, I'm an Instagram person myself by nature. Need a little further explanation look below for more visual help in understanding the differences. 


The Pig



EXPLAINED:  I'm drinking a #beer at #greatdivide in #denver
MY HANDLE: @thebutcherspig
Twitter is an online news and social networking service where members post a short blurb that is a maximum 140-character, these messages are called "tweets". I will often ask for help and search where I should go here. The example above users can search the words #beer, #greatdivide or #denver and this post will be in a list for any of those.


EXPLAINED:  Here's a picture of my #microbeer from #greatdivide
MY HANDLE: Pigs_Pick
Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that enables its users to share instantly through an app, as well as posting links through a variety of other social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter.


EXPLAINED:  I'm going to get a micro-brew when I'm in Denver next week. Aren't you jealous?
Facebook is the original  American  online social media and social networking service. I send a lot of recipe links here. You build a personal page and people "friend" you. Your friends can check out your page as to what is happening in you rlife at that time. 


EXPLAINED:  here's a video on how to properly pour a beer.
YouTube is a video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others.  I don't have finished videos yet, but as I move into that media I will start a youtube channel that you can join to bring you closer to the experiences of my travels and culinary exploration. 


EXPLAINED:  My skills include beer drinking.
Linked-In is a on-line professional connection page. It  focuses on your career skills, achivements and professional affiliations. Linked-In is a work version of facebook.
Pig's pick logo, eat like a local
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